Steve McQueen, "The King of cool"

Steve McQueen during his participation in ISDT in 1964
Steve McQueen (1930-1980) was an American actor of great success, in 1974 he became the highest paid in the world. His taste for motorsports is the reason why I'm talking about him here today.
He competed in motorcycles and automobiles. In motorcycles, he even participated in the ISDT in 1964, integrated in the USA team, in addition to participating regularly in the American sports scene. He was also part of the cast (as producer and actor) of the cult film "ON ANY SUNDAY", 1971.

HUSQVARNA of Steve McQueen
After a life in which rebellion was constant, he died prematurely, at age 50, of cancer. In the last years of his life, his attention was very focused on his sports activities (auto and motorcycle), having, therefore, turned down several millionaire invitations in the cinema (eg: APOCALYPSE NOW by Francis Ford Coppola). It is even said that, at that time, he commissioned his mechanic to sort out the scripts that were proposed to him! He gathered a collection of classic motorcycles, with more than 100 units, including his first motorcycle, the 1946 INDIAN Chief. Today, his image is regularly exploited for promotional purposes by several brands he used as a motorcyclist: TRIUMPH, HUSQVARNA, BARBOUR, etc...
Steve McQueen riding the HONDA CR 250 M Elsinore